Resources for Teachers & Parents

Video Resources with Suggested Discussion Q&A

The Riverwood Conservancy’s former Education Consultant, Dave Taylor, is a professional wildlife photographer, videographer, and author. He has created a variety of video resources specifically designed for teachers, parents, and students to supplement the learning experience of field trips at Riverwood.

Junior/Senior Kindergarten

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Salmon and the Credit River

The Return of the Atlantic Salmon article

Lesson plans for Grades 4, 6, 7, 8

Sample questions and videos

Answers to sample questions

Citizen Science – Observing Birds at a Feeder

A Field Guide to Birds at Riverwood

Birds at a Feeder Q and A

Birds at a Feeder Videos and Data Sheets

Birds at a Feeder Data Sheets

Additional Resources

Children & Nature Network

Soil Science For Teachers

Soil Science For Kids

Project Budburst

Nature Watch

Cheap Science Experiments

Dave Taylor’s Wildlife Videos and Teaching Resources

Dave Taylor’s Riverwood Videos and Photos