The Riverwood Conservancy's Nature Gift Guide

Give some of the greenest gifts around

When you give a symbolic gift from The Riverwood Conservancy's Nature Gift Guide, you'll help keep gardens, wildlife habitat, and natural spaces thriving in the heart of the city, and connect people of all ages and abilities to the wonders of nature.

Along with your gift, you can send a free e-card to someone you care about to let them know about the impact that will be made at Riverwood. Each e-card includes a handwritten note from one of our staff members. Be sure to select “In memory of" or “In honour of" in the Dedication Information section of the donation form.

Thank you for your support!

Spark a Love of Nature

Give a symbolic gift to support our Education Naturally program, which offers elementary school students from across Peel Region and beyond the opportunity to learn about and engage with nature. You'll help future generations gain an understanding and appreciation of the environment that will last a lifetime.

  • $25 can provide five biodiversity identification sheets
  • $50 can provide two rocks and mineral testing kits
  • $100 can provide aquarium and veterinary care for our classroom turtles
  • $250 can provide an elementary school class with an Education Naturally program experience

Protect Riverwood's Ecosystems

Give a symbolic gift that will support The Riverwood Conservancy's ongoing natural spaces restoration. Your support for our conservation work will help protect wildlife habitat for red foxes, deer, beavers, mink, and over 180 bird species.

  • $25 can provide bird food to fill one of our feeders for a month
  • $50 can provide a native tree that will be planted to support our wildlife and ecosystems
  • $100 can provide a new bird house that will serve as habitat for Riverwood’s birds
  • $250 can provide supplies for one acre of restoration work in our natural areas

Back our Enabling Garden

Give a symbolic gift to support our Enabling Garden, a hands-on learning environment that’s fully accessible and innovatively designed for people of all ages who live with physical, cognitive, and/or mental health challenges.

  • $25 can provide five packages of heirloom seeds
  • $50 can provide a set of three ergonomic hand tools
  • $100 can provide a garden cart
  • $250 can give ten individuals with special needs with an Enabling Garden program experience

Provide Habitat for Pollinators

Our Pollinator Paradise Garden offers food and habitat for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Your symbolic gift will help us maintain our the garden, which benefits wildlife, plant life, and human life.

  • $25 can provide a habitat structure for pollinator species
  • $50 can provide a package of 14 bee-friendly plants
  • $100 can provide a package of 28 butterfly-friendly plants
  • $250 can provide a package of 70 hummingbird-friendly plants

Grow Local Produce

Every year, our dedicated volunteer gardeners plant, nurture, and harvest vegetables for donation to local food banks. Your symbolic gift to our vegetable garden will help us grow and give even more produce to those who need it in our community.

  • $25 can provide one folding tomato cage
  • $50 can provide one wire cucumber trellis
  • $100 can provide one compost bin
  • $250 can provide one 8′ x 4′ raised garden bed

Thank you for supporting our essential environmental work in the heart of Mississauga.

Looking for another way to give? Learn about monthly gifts, tribute plaques, and planned giving here.